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'use strict'

var Trait = require('light-traits').Trait
,   all = require('promised-utils').all
,   Q = require('q'), when = Q.when, asap = Q.asap, defer = Q.defer
,   Callback = require('./utils/promised').Callback

exports.FSListTrait = Trait(
{ _list: Trait.required

returns the names of all the files in a directory, in lexically sorted order. Throws an exception if the directory cannot be traversed (or path is not a directory).
Note: this means that list("x") of a directory containing "a" and "b" would return ["a", "b"], not ["x/a", "x/b"].

   * @param {String(Promise|Path)|String} path
   * @returns {Promise << String[]}
, list: function list(path) {
    var deferred = defer()
    ( path
    , function(path) {
        this._list('' + path, Callback(deferred))
    , deferred.reject
    return deferred.promise

returns an Array that starts with the given path, and all of the paths relative to the given path, discovered by a depth first traversal of every directory in any visited directory, reporting but not traversing symbolic links to directories, in lexically sorted order within directories. The first path is always "", the path relative to itself.

   * @param {String(Promise|Path)|String} path
   * @returns {Promise << String[]}
, listTree: function listTree(path) {

returns an Array that starts with the given directory, and all the directories relative to the given path, discovered by a depth first traversal of every directory in any visited directory, not traversing symbolic links to directories, in lexically sorted order within directories.

   * @param {String(Promise|Path)|String} path
   * @returns {Promise << String[]}
, listDirectoryTree: function listDirectoryTree(path) {